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Series Editor

Image of Arthur T. Hubbard


Arthur T. Hubbard

Former Ohio Eminent Scholar and Director of the Surface Center

University of Cincinnati, USA and

E-mail Arthur T. Hubbard

Arthur T. Hubbard graduated from Westmont College with a major Chemistry, and from the California Institute of Technology with a  Ph.D degree in chemistry. He has served as Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Full Professor of Chemistry at the University of Hawaii. Professor of Chemistry at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and Professor of Chemistry, Ohio Eminent Scholar, and Director of the Surface Center at the University of Cincinnati, USA. Professor Hubbard has also served as an Editor of Langmuir, the American Chemical Society's journal of surfaces and colloids, as well as the Elsevier Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (JCIS) for which he remains Managing Editor Emeritus.