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Series Editor

Daniel A. Fiscus


Daniel A. Fiscus

Research Scientist

Research Alliance for Regenerative Economics (RARE)

Daniel A. Fiscus is an ecologist and research scientist with the Research Alliance for Regenerative Economics (RARE). He also works in commercial R&D, ultrasonic sensors, and artificial intelligence. From 2007 to 2012 he was assistant professor in the Biology Department, and from 2012 to 2016 was Sustainability Liaison, at Frostburg State University (FSU).

He has written and co-written scientific articles in soil ecology, ecosystem ecology, theoretical ecology, and sustainability. A book he co-authored, “Flourishing Within Limits to Growth: Following Nature’s Way”, was published in 2015. His 2018 book, co-authored with Brian Fath, is “Foundations for Sustainability: A Coherent Framework of Life-environment Relations”. Dan is co-founder of the Western Maryland Food Council and has conducted food system research and research on network metrics of regenerative economics. In 2022, as subject matter expert and adjunct faculty at Excelsior University, Dan developed two graduate courses in sustainability.