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Earth Observation

Aim & scope

The Earth Observation Series brings together volumes that explore state-of-the-art techniques and multidisciplinary applications of Earth Observation practice in a focused, consistent way that raises awareness across disciplines and bridges the gap between remote sensing specialists and Earth scientists. Volumes in the series focus on the latest developments and future trends of Earth Observation technologies, including theoretical aspects and practical applications.

For more information about the series or how to submit a book proposal, please contact the Series Editor George P. Petropoulos at [email protected]新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く or the Acquisitions Editor at [email protected]新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く.

Sample cover of Earth Observation


Students, postgraduates, academics, researchers and professionals in the field of remote sensing and earth observation, or those looking to implement specific remote sensing technologies in their discipline.

Series Editor

Image of George P. Petropoulos


George P. Petropoulos

Assistant Professor

Department of Geography, Harokopio University, Greece

George P. Petropoulosの続きを読む