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Genome Modified Plants and Microbes in Food and Agriculture

Aim & scope

This book series presents CRISPR-and other genomic modification practice-focused volumes focused on specific aspects of their use and role in food, agriculture, and environmental sciences addressing the needs of those seeking curated, up-to-date knowledge in agricultural and food science on CRISPR and other genome editing application. For example, CRISPR continues to be a rapidly evolving science, and every week many new studies are available. Putting the latest insights into real-world and application-based scenarios, these volumes will be important for those seeking to apply current knowledge as well as seeking potential new solutions for which CRISPR may prove appropriate.

Sample cover of Genome Modified Plants and Microbes in Food and Agriculture

The scope of this book series includes CRISPR-CAS and other modern agricultural biotechnology techniques including genetic engineering, to allow for more precise development of crop and livestock varieties in the agricultural and food sector.

Genome Modified Plants and Microbes in Food and Agriculture will assemble the latest in research and reviews and make them available and applicable for readers worldwide.


The main readership for the current book series is researchers in the field of environmental science, food and agriculture science, and environmental science. Secondary audience is students, teachers, researchers, and plant breeding and protection researchers working in molecular biology, materials science, biology, chemistry, physics, plant science, chemical technology, microbiology, plant physiology, nanobiotechnology, and further groups of interests such as industry working.

Genome Modified Plants and Microbes in Food and Agriculture book proposal form 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く

Series Editor

Image of Kamel A. Abd-Elsalam


Kamel A. Abd-Elsalam

Research Professor

Plant Pathology Research Institute, Agricultural Research Centre (ARC), Egypt

Kamel A. Abd-Elsalamの続きを読む

Genome Modified Plants and Microbes in Food and Agriculture
