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Neurobiology of Disease

Aim & scope

While there are many individual books within this subject area for researchers and clinicians, there is a gap in the field that provides one dedicated source covering the disease mechanisms underlying disorders of the nervous system and behavior.  This series aims to fill that gap.  Edited and contributed by leading experts in the field, each volume in the series will be devoted to a specific disease or disorder with final goal of paving the road for novel therapeutics. Each volume will cover disease mechanisms underlying disorders of the nervous system and behavior with presentations of various case studies in the field.

Neurobiology of Disease


Advanced students and researchers in neuroscience, neurosurgery, neurology, psychiatry, psychology, medicine, health and behavioral sciences, and pharmacology.

Series Editor

Image of Joao Luciano de Quevedo


Joao Luciano de Quevedo, MD, PhD


The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, United States

Joao Luciano de Quevedo, MD, PhDの続きを読む

Forthcoming titles