Series Editor

Pier Paolo Franzese
Full Professor of Ecology
Parthenope University, Naples, Italy
Over the last 15 years, Dr. Franzese research and teaching activities have been focused on environmental accounting and environmental assessment and their application to the development of an ecosystem approach for studying human-environment interactions. Always striving for the application of a system-based and interdisciplinary approach to science, his main research interest is focused on the assessment of socio-ecological systems and the services they provide, with the goal of investigating and improving their environmental performance and sustainability.
Professor Franzese is the founding member of the International Ph.D. Programme “Environment, Resources, and Sustainable Development’ hosted at Parthenope University of Naples where he also founded and directs the Laboratory of Ecodynamics and Sustainable Development.
Subject Editor of the journals of Ecological Modeling (Elsevier) and Ecological Questions (NCU). Member of the Editorial Boards of the following international journals: Ecological Modelling (Elsevier), Energy, Ecology and Environment (Springer), and Journal of Environmental Accounting and Management (L&H).
Past-President of the International Society for the Advancement of Energy Research (ISAER).
Director of the Master Programme “Sustainability Manager for the Ecological Transition” hosted at the Parthenope University of Naples.
Coordinator of the National Working Group “Natural capital, ecosystem services, and environmental accounting” of the Italian Society of Ecology.
Coordinator of the National Working Group “Natural capital, ecosystem services, and environmental accounting” of the Italian Society of Marine Biology.
Coordinator of the National Working Group “Natural capital, ecosystem services, and environmental accounting” of the Italian Order of Biologist.