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Series Editor


Sanjeev Goyal

Professor of Economics

Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge

Professor of Economics and a Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge. He was born and received his early education in India (BA, Delhi; MBA, Ahmedabad). He did his doctoral work in the United States (PhD, Cornell).

Sanjeev Goyal pioneered and remains a leading international scholar in the study of networks. His early research in the 1990's laid the foundations for an economic approach to the study of networks by providing a framework for the study of the effects of social structure on human behaviour and by developing a model of how the costs and benefits of linking shape the formation of networks.

In subsequent work, he has explored applications of these ideas in the context of industrial organisation, economic development, international trade, finance, the diffusion of innovations, public economics and political economy, cybersecurity, and conflict.

In 2007, Princeton University Press published his book, Connections: an introduction to the economics of networks.

Sanjeev Goyal is a Fellow of the British Academy and a Fellow of the Econometric Society. He was the founding Director of the Cambridge-INET Institute (2012-2014) and has been Chair of the Cambridge Economics Faculty (2014-2018).