Separation Science and Technology
Aim & scope
Separation science is continually evolving. To achieve a successful separation, a mixture is divided into two or more fractions having different compositions.
To further improve a separation process, it is necessary to develop a better understanding of physical/chemical processes involved in a given separation.
When a mixture contains more than two components, the process becomes more complex; it is generally called chromatography because the procedure was initially used for the separation of coloured compounds.

One of the goals of the series is to cover the subject in a concise manner and avoid burdening the reader with many details and mathematical equations.
The key features of Separation Science and Technology series are:
Cover the fundamental physical and chemical phenomena involved in separations
Provide a concise overview of the basics of transport phenomena and thermodynamics
Explain how simple extraction and partition processes provide the basis of separations
Describe the role of chromatography and separation science in various fields
Discuss the role of separation science and technology in the development of methodologies
Present new and evolving methods and show the best way to select an optimum method
The series is designed to enable researchers in both academia and industry to efficiently keep abreast of developments in analytical chemistry.
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