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The Elsevier Series in Tribology and Surface Engineering

Aim & scope

The Elsevier Series in Tribology and Surface Engineering is a series of books that summarize foundational knowledge, cutting-edge applications, and outline recent developments in the fields of tribology and surface engineering. The series aims to provide systematically organized references for researchers and engineers whose objectives are to develop optimal tribological systems or to establish new theories of tribology, ultimately advancing the field. Books in the series will contain foundational knowledge, applied examples and best practices, as well as the latest in cutting-edge research.

The Elsevier Series in Tribology and Surface Engineering


Academic researchers in materials science and mechanical engineering (postgraduate and beyond) seeking an authoritative and comprehensive review of relevant research in their field. R&D engineers in industry, dealing with tribology in design or aiming to expand usability in new challenging applications.

Series Editors


Valentin Popov

Head of Department of System Dynamics and Friction Physics

Technische Universität Berlin

Valentin Popovの続きを読む