Wind Energy Engineering
Aim & scope
The Elsevier Wind Energy Engineering Series covers advances in theories, developments, principles, practical case studies and applications in the overarching subjects related to wind energy engineering, with a focus on scientific and technical content that supports all stages of research and application. The key areas covered by the series include aerodynamics of wind turbines and wind farms, wind turbine components and subsystems, wind turbine design, wind resource assessment, wind power production and integration in electricity grids, wind measurement and recording techniques, installations and applications, planning and execution of wind power projects, offshore and onshore wind power deployment, climate evolution and wind energy, economic, environmental and social aspects of wind energy, and legal aspects of wind energy for engineers.

Book volumes in the Wind Energy Engineering Series support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, notably SDG7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), and align with the Elsevier Energy Books Team’s commitment to only commission content that supports and advances the energy transition and the reduction of CO2 emissions, in order to meet the world’s energy needs and to protect our planet for future generations. We also subscribe to the principles of diversity and inclusion, and recognize the need for appropriate, inclusive and diverse representation in the authorship of our books.
If you are interested in writing or editing for the Elsevier Wind Energy Engineering Series, or becoming involved in the review of book proposals, please contact Edward Payne, Senior Acquisitions Editor ([email protected] 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く), or Professor Yves Gagnon, Series Editor ([email protected] 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く), and we will be delighted to hear from you. To find out more about the Elsevier Energy Books Team, click here.
Researchers, academics, consultants, policy makers, and the technical engineering community involved in the development and implementation of wind energy systems and the related engineering disciplines.
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