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Wim Meester, PhD, is Director of Product Development for Scopus at Elsevier.


Wim Meester, PhD

Head of Product Management, Scopus


As Head of Product Management for Scopus, Dr Wim Meester is responsible for Scopus content strategy and how it meets the needs of customers in the academic, government and corporate market segments. In addition, he manages the independent, international Scopus Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB) and strategic partnerships with relevant research organizations and third-party publishers.

Wim received his MSc and PhD in chemistry from the University of Amsterdam. He spent two years at Harvard Medical School as a postdoc, before making the change from being an active researcher to a program manager for the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). In 2006, Wim joined Elsevier as a Publisher for the Animal Science and Forensic Science journal programs. In 2010, he joined the Scopus team.