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Scopus Certification Program for Librarians

2021年1月19日 | 2 分経過

Library Connect別

Scopus certification program for librarians image

A six-week online training designed to provide a solid foundation in key functions within Scopus

The Scopus Certification Program for Librarians is a six-week online training designed to provide a solid foundation in key functions within Scopus, as well as introduce advanced and related concepts such as APIs and user outreach. The materials you use within the program are designed to assist you with expanding training and consulting options within your library.


The certification program consists of six online modules in a course on the Canvas learning management system. The modules are:

  • Topical Search

  • Author Identity

  • Metrics

  • APIs

  • Institutional Insights

  • User Outreach

Each module takes approximately one hour to complete. The modules are anchored by short video tutorials and quizzes, and supplemented with exercises and support materials. The program is one hour per week for six weeks for a total of approximately six hours. Each cohort consists of approximately 25 librarians with potential participation from librarians around the world.

You can complete the training on a day and time of your choosing, but the course liaison does ask that you keep up with the commitment each week.

Certification requirements

To become certified, participants must achieve 80% or more on each of the final module quizzes and complete the opening and exit surveys. Participants may retake the quiz if they don’t achieve the necessary mark the first time and are provided with references to the necessary materials to review. Participants who successfully complete the course can download a certificate of completion.

Scopus librarian certificate

Application and prerequisite

Participants must be librarians or information managers at an institution or company with a Scopus subscription.

There is no fee for the certification; however, participation is by invitation only as spaces are limited. Ask your Elsevier representative about opportunities to enroll in an upcoming cohort.

Fact sheet Scopus Certification Program for Librarians

Fact sheet for librarians interested in the Scopus Certification Program for Librarians

Download the fact sheet 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く


Access the Scopus LibGuide新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く to help navigate through Scopus resources including user registration, topical search, profiles, metrics and more!

Scopus LibGuide image

Scopus LibGuide homepage.