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Webinar recording: Setting students up for success with science literacy


Library Connect別

Services that contribute to scientific literacy

This ScienceDirect webinar provides a look into increasing science literacy through understanding scientific knowledge and practices

Science literacy may be a concept that is simple in theory, yet it can be an area of struggle across levels of study with students majoring in science. Many aspects of science literacy extend beyond the complex content and laboratory skills that students learn in the classroom.

This ScienceDirect webinar provides a look into increasing science literacy through understanding scientific knowledge and practices that contribute to a more streamlined understanding of science. Presenters offer a rounded view from the lens of a student, librarian, and platform provider on the invaluable role they play in setting students up for success, focusing on aspects of working remotely. You can view the webinar and access the slides here新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く.


  • Identifying scientific knowledge and practices that define science literacy

  • Using ScienceDirect to supplement in-class learning and develop scientific knowledge and practices

  • How a university library can set students up for success

  • Creating a self-directed online science literacy module for students

  • The effectiveness of the ScienceDirect platform for science literacy education

  • How ScienceDirect can be accessed off campus, even when a VPN is unavailable


  • Elizabeth Moll-Willard, Faculty Librarian, Stellenbosch University

  • Kristina Hopkins, PhD, Customer Consultant, Elsevier

  • Judson Dunham, Senior Director, Product Management, Elsevier