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Conference speaker

Ángela Nieto


Ángela Nieto

Instituto de Neurociencias CSIC-UMH, Spain

Ángela Nieto is full professor at the Institute of Neurosciences in Alicante, Spain. President of the International Society for Developmental Biology until October 2022, she is now vicechair of the EMBL Council. After her PhD in 1987 (Madrid) she worked at the Institute for Biomedical Research also in Madrid and at the National Institute for Medical Research in London. 

She joined the Cajal Institute in Madrid in 1993, and since then has led a research group interested in cellular plasticity. Her main contribution has been the impact that the reactivation of developmental programmes has on adult diseases, including cancer progression and organ degeneration. She is member of the Academies of Sciences of Europe, France, Spain and Latin-America. Among others, she has received the Ramón y Cajal Spanish National Research Prize in 2019; the Mexico Prize in Science and Technology in 2017 and the L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science Award for Europe in 2022.