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Conference speaker

Anming Meng


Anming Meng

Tsinghua University, China

Talk Title: Maternal Erk1/2 is required for organizer and body axis formation via multiple mechanisms in the zebrafish

Anming Meng is a professor in developmental biology at School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University, China, and elected member of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received the bachelor degree from Southwestern Agricultural University in 1983, and the Ph.D. degree in Genetics from Nottingham University in 1991. 

His research interest focuses on mechanisms controlling early embryonic development of vertebrates. Mainly using the zebrafish and the mouse as model systems, his group makes efforts to reveal the role of maternal (oocyte-derived) factors in cell fate determination during cleavage and blastula stages, germ layer induction and patterning, and dorsoventral differentiation.