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Bettina Wolf


Bettina Wolf

Session 6: Food as a soft material

University of Birmingham, UK

Bettina Wolf is Professor of Microstructure Engineering and associated with the Microstructure Group in the Formulation Engineering Research Pillar at the University of Birmingham’s School of Chemical Engineering. The Microstructure Group focuses on processes and high performing soft solid multiphase systems with enhanced sustainability credentials, and which, where relevant, are healthier, and consumer preferred. Applications are not limited to foods. Bettina’s research interests include microstructure engineering with plant proteins, including process innovation for fibrous textures, valorisation of plant-based waste with focus on creating microstructure functional ingredients from the lignin component, interfacial design of emulsions, chocolate rheology and plant-based dysphagia foods. Bettina has published over 80 research papers and is a co-inventor on 5 patents.

Bettina studied Chemical Engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, worked briefly at the German Institute of Food Technology in Quakenbrück before completing her PhD at ETH Zurich. After a further period spent as research assistant at ETH in the Laboratory of Food Process Engineering Bettina spent 9 years at Unilever Research & Development based at Colworth House in the UK. Before starting her current post 6 years ago, Bettina was Associate Professor in Biomaterials Science in the Division of Food Sciences at the University of Nottingham’s School of Biosciences for 12 years. She currently runs a research group with a head count of 11.