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Bryan Dickinson


Bryan C. Dickinson

The University of Chicago, USA

Bryan Dickinson earned his B.S. in Biochemistry from the University of Maryland in 2005, and his Ph.D. in Chemistry in 2010 from the University of California at Berkeley for work performed under the supervision of Professor Christopher Chang. He then moved to Harvard University as a Jane Coffin Childs Memorial postdoctoral fellow under the supervision of Professor David Liu. He joined the faculty at the University of Chicago in the Department of Chemistry in the Summer of 2014, was promoted to Associate Professor in 2019, and Professor in 2023. The Dickinson Group employs synthetic organic chemistry, molecular evolution, and protein design to develop molecular technologies to study and control chemistry in living systems. The group's current primary research interests include: 1) developing new evolution technologies to reprogram and control biomolecular interactions, 2) engineering RNA-targeting biotechnologies as new therapeutic platforms, and 3) developing novel proximity-labeling chemistries to study biomolecular interactions.