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David Chiaramonti


David Chiaramonti

Polytechnic of Turin, Italy

David Chiaramonti, PhD, full professor of Energy Economics as well as Bioeconomy at the Polytechnic of Turin and chairs the Renewable Energy COnsortium for R&D (RE-CORD). He authored >180 publications and participated to a large number of EU projects on biofuels, biochar and bioeconomy. Former member of IEA-Bioenergy, he is member of UN-ICAO task force on Alternative Fuels for aviation, EU ETIP-B and Board member of Italian Cluster SPRING on green Chemistry. He coordinated the DG ENER ART Fuel Forum. He was awarded the Linneborn Prize at EUBCE-2017 in Stockholm, and is included in the Stanford University list of 2% most cited scientist.