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Filip Van Bockstaele


Filip Van Bockstaele

Ghent University, Belgium

Prof. Filip Van Bockstaele is part-time associate professor within the Food Structure and Function research group within the Department of Food Technology, Safety and Health at Ghent University. Further, he is the director of the Vandemoortele Centre ‘Lipid Science and Technology’ which was established in 2012 as a joint centre of excellence with the Vandemoortele company. His research area covers aspects on microstructural design of foods. The research is focused on fysico-chemical properties and microstructure visualization of food structures such as fat crystal networks, oleogels, emulsions and starch- or protein-based products. The goal is to understand the interactions between the structure building blocks such as proteins, carbohydrates, hydrocolloids, starch and lipids to be able to design food structures with enhanced functionality. His expertise is mainly focused on lipid-based food products such as margarines and shortenings and bakery products applications.

Link: Vandemoortele.ugent.be 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く