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Goreti Sales


Goreti Sales

University of Coimbra, Portugal

Goreti Sales is a full professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra and founder/coordinator of the BioMark Sensor Research Group, which integrates the Centre for Mechanical Engineering, Materials (CEMMPRE) and the ARISE Associated Laboratory.

She graduated in 1994 in Pharmaceutical Sciences and obtained her PhD in 2000 at the University of Porto (Portugal) on Ion Selective Electrodes (ISEs) and Flow Injection Analysis (FIA). In 2011 she founded BioMark Sensor Research group and in 2012 received a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC/StG) for the development of autonomous devices combining biosensors and photovoltaic cells (3P's). She coordinated a European Innovation Council (EIC) FET-Open project aimed at the ability to concentrate and sense brain-derived extracellular vesicles (MindGAP). Goreti Sales was appointed EIC National Champion (for Portugal) by the EIC in 2021. Her research interests mainly focus on biomimetic nanomaterials and (bio)sensors for applications in the fields of health, environment and food safety, using optical or electrochemical transduction systems and aiming at environmentally friendly, cost-effective and portable solutions.