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Hicham Idriss


Hicham Idriss

KIT, Germany

Hicham Idriss received his BSc, MSc, PhD, and Habilitation from the U. of Strasbourg (France). He started his academic career at the Department of Chemistry, U. of Auckland in New Zealand (1995 to 2008), then moved to the U. of Aberdeen and Robert Gordon U. (UK) to hold the Aberdeen Energy Futures Chair and Prof. of Chemistry position. He moved to corporate research at SABIC/KAUST (Saudi Arabia) in 2011. After retiring from SABIC in 2021, Hicham moved to the Institute of Functional Interfaces at KIT (Germany) and is also a visiting scientist at the Joint Research Center of the European Commission (Karlsruhe). His main research area is in catalysis and surface reactions of oxides. Hicham is also Professor (Hon.) at the Department of Chemistry, University College London, UK, since 2013.