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Hui-Ming Cheng


Hui-Ming Cheng

CAS-Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology & Institute of Metal Research, China

Presentation title: Graphene oxide: From fabrication to applications

Prof. Hui-Ming Cheng is the founding director of the Institute of Technology for Carbon Neutrality, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology, CAS, and the honorary dean of Faculty of Materials Science and Energy Engineering, Shenzhen University of Advanced Technology. He is concurrently the director of the Advanced Carbon Research Division of Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science, Institute of Metal Research, CAS. He is a member of CAS and a fellow of TWAS. His research activities mainly focus on energy materials and devices, carbon nanotubes, graphene, and other 2D materials. He published over 900 papers with an h-index of 165, and is a Highly Cited Researcher in three fields of materials science, chemistry, and environment and ecology. He has given over 220 plenary/keynote/invited lectures at various conferences, and won a few domestic and international awards. He is now the founding Editor-in-Chief of Energy Storage Materials and has spun off several high-tech companies.