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Janelle P. Wharry


Janelle P Wharry

Purdue University, USA

Janelle P. Wharry is an Associate Professor of Materials Engineering at Purdue University. Her research group focuses on understanding structure-property-functionality relationships in irradiated materials, with an emphasis on deformation mechanisms and mechanical behavior at the nano/microscale. The group’s active projects span nuclear structural and cladding alloys, advanced manufacturing and joining methods, metallic nuclear fuels, and electroceramic materials. In recognition of her research, Dr. Wharry received the DOE Early Career Award, National Science Foundation CAREER Award, and American Nuclear Society (ANS) Landis Young Member Award. She has mentored 25 graduate/post-doctoral researchers and published 100+ peer-reviewed journal articles and refereed conference papers. She is also an Editor of Materials Science & Engineering A and Materials Today Communications. Dr. Wharry serves as Chair of the DOE Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF) Scientific Review Board, and was previously General Chair of the inaugural 2019 Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES) Conference. Prior to joining Purdue, Dr. Wharry was an Assistant Professor at the Micron School of Materials Science & Engineering at Boise State University. She received her Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences from the University of Michigan in 2012.

Web site: https://wharryresearchgroup.wordpress.com 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/janelle-wharry-8a23196 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く