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Jian Jin Along


Jian Jin

Soochow University, China

Jian Jin is currently a Professor at Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Soochow University, China. Her research interests are designing porous materials and membranes for ion/molecule separation, wastewater purification, gas separation, and the applications in other fields. She has published more than 200 peer-reviewed scientific publications with over 21000 citations and h-index 70. Dr. Jin was awarded "Distinguished Yong Scholar Award" from National Natural Science Foundation of China. She was honored as the Leading Innovative Talent Scholars of Young and Middle Age in the Ministry of Science and Technology of People´s Republic of China and elected as a member in the Ten Thousand-Talent Program in China. She won the Science and Technology Award of Jiangsu Province (first class) and Basic Research Achievement Award of The Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China (first class).