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Kazuyoshi Kanamori


Kazuyoshi Kanamori

Kyoto University, Japan

Kazuyoshi Kanamori received Bachelor (2000), Master (2002), and Doctor of Engineering (2005) from Kyoto University, Japan. He worked as a research fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) from 2003 to 2005 and as a postdoctoral fellow of JSPS from 2005 to 2007. He is currently Assistant Professor at Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University. His research interest is based on synthesis, characterization, and application of porous materials prepared via liquid-phase processes undergoing sol-gel transition. Porous materials, particularly aerogels, composed of inorganic oxides, organic-inorganic hybrids (silicones), organic crosslinked polymers and carbons are his special interests. He published > 200 original papers and reviews with total citations of > 7700 and filed 24 patents. He received D. R. Ulrich Award from International Sol-Gel Society (2011) and CerSJ Award for Academic Achievements in Ceramic Science and Technology from The Ceramic Society of Japan (2023).

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