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Oriol Marquet Sarda


Oriol Marquet Sarda

Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain

Oriol Marquet has a PhD in Geography (Autonomous University of Barcelona, 2015) and Master in Territorial and Population Studies (UAB, 2012), and is currently a researcher in the Mobility, Transport and Territory Studies Group (GEMOTT 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く) at the Department of Geography of the UAB. He is a Ramon y Cajal researcher and has previously developed his career at the Center for Geospatial Analytics (North Carolina State University) and at ISGlobal (Barcelona Global Health Institute). His research focuses on the links between urban form and travel behavior and on how we can build more sustainable, fair, and healthy mobility models through urban planning. He currently leads the ERC ATRAPA project aimed at understanding acceptability of policies working on improving accessibility through proximity.