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Peter Atkinson


Peter Atkinson PhD

Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom

Peter is currently Distinguished Professor of Spatial Data Science at Lancaster University and Visiting Professor at the University of Southampton. The main focus of Peter’s research has been in remote sensing, spatial data science and spatial and spatio-temporal statistics applied to a range of environmental, epidemiological, natural hazard and other Earth surface phenomena. Peter is a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales (FLSW) and the 2016 Laureat of the Peter Burrough Medal of the International Spatial Accuracy Research Association (ISARA). He was recipient of the Belle van Zuylen Chair at Utrecht University in 2015-16, and Visiting Fellow at Green-Templeton College, Oxford University in 2012-14. Peter has published around 350 peer-reviewed articles in international scientific journals, with an H-index of 80 in Google Scholar and 60 in WoS. Peter has led multiple large grants and supervised over 60 PhD students. In addition, he has authored one book and over 50 refereed book chapters, and edited eight journal special issues and eight books.