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Philip Davies


Philip Davies

Director, National Research Facility in Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Harwell

Davies is a Professor of Physical Chemistry, and part of the Cardiff Catalysis Institute in the School of chemistry at Cardiff University. His research interests are in surface science and catalysis particularly photocatalysis. He is an expert in surface analytical approaches including nano-vibrational spectroscopy (PiFM & TERS), XPS, FTIR, SEM, TGA, STM and AFM. He was the founding director of the UK’s National Facility in Photoelectron Spectroscopy “HarwellXPS” in 2017 and remains co-director. In 2023 his group commissioned the first PiFM nano-vibrational spectrometer in the UK and he has recently added a Tip Enhanced Raman Spectrometer to the groups capabilities. His research work is often very interdisciplinary involving for example, collaborations with colleagues in Physics, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Bioscience, Earth science, Engineering and Archaeology.