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Sacit Cetiner


Sacit Cetiner


Dr. Sacit Cetiner is a Senior Research Scientist at the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) with a joint appointment as the Director of INL/MIT Center for Reactor Instrumentation and Sensor Physics (CRISP), which is under MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory (NRL). Prior to this position, he worked as R&D Associate, R&D Staff, Senior R&D Staff, and as the Group Leader for the Modern Nuclear aInstrumentation and Controls (I&C) Group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Dr. Cetiner served as the U.S. DOE Technical Point of Contact for the Versatile Test Reactor (VTR) Experiment I&C Team overseeing all sensors-related research and development projects for in-core experiments executed by national laboratories, universities and private companies. Additionally, he was the Technical Lead for the U.S. DOE Transformational Challenge Reactor (TCR) Sensors and Controls Thrust overseeing the reactor I&C system design and the associated research activities. Dr. Cetiner is the Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions of Nuclear Science (TNS) journal’s Nuclear Power Instrumentation and Control area, and the past Chair of the American Nuclear Society (ANS) Human Factors, and Instrumentation and Controls Division (HFICD)