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Tobias Kraus


Tobias Kraus

Leibniz Institute for New Materials, Germany

Tobias Kraus is a physicochemist, chemical engineer, and materials scientist trained at TU Munich, MIT, and the University of Neuchâtel. He obtained his PhD at ETH Zurich and the IBM Research Laboratory. Today, Tobias works with his team at the INM – Leibniz-Institute for New Materials in Saarbrücken, Germany, and holds the chair for colloid and interface chemistry at Saarland University. In his research, Tobias studies and curtails the interactions between particles, polymers, and small molecules. This leads to predictable, hierarchical assemblies for structured interfaces and functional materials. His group investigates hybrid materials for flexible and transparent electronics, reversible interfaces for soft and recyclable electronic devices, optical sensors, and their formation during 2D and 3D printing.