Angola Customer Hub
Researcher success portal

At Elsevier, we take immense pride in being a trusted partner to the communities we serve and improving customer experience.
To support academic and research-focused professionals, we bring you the Elsevier Africa Researcher Success Portal, which features a calendar to upcoming live presentations as well as access to on-demand webinars, and materials in our resource center.
Upcoming webinars
Resources & support
Academia de Pesquisadores
Amplie seu potencial de pesquisa Navegue em sua jornada de pesquisa com a Academia de Pesquisadores 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く. Módulos gratuítos de e-learningdesenvolvidos por especialistas a nível global. Orientação e aconselhamento de carreiras. Pesquisenotícias em nosso blog
Materiais de Treinamentos (PDFs)
Recorded webinars
Meet the team