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DEAL Customer Hub 

This website serves as a comprehensive platform offering tailored resources and insights, alongside with educational programs and webinars, to support your research and publishing endeavors under the DEAL publishing agreement.


This page contains information for you! Are you a researcher wanting to know more about publishing open access with Elsevier? Are you a librarian or research manager and interested in how to support researchers and and authors in their research endeavor?  Would you want to know more about how to search and find relevant research on your research question?  Then you are at the right place. Below tiles will guide you to the right section of this website. 

What can you find here

On the right side, you will find a shortcut to additional content:

  • ’Information for authors’ contains insights about publishing.  

  • 'Information for librarians & research managers' is the section with a selection of content and tutorials to support the researchers and authors

  • ‘Webinars & recordings’ invites librarians, researchers and authors to upcoming ScienceDirect programs & webinars on publishing, and lists recorded sessions, tutorials and sponsored events. 

  • ‘Support’ directs you to the respective pages and contacts for assistance. 

Webinars & recordings

Discover our latest free webinars for researchers and authors. In 2024, we are focusing on the theme Scientific Writing and Publishing. 

Sign up for the next upcoming webinars: