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Step forward: Dr. Theo Nell, Senior Lecturer - Stellenbosch University, South Africa

Dr. Theo Nell, Senior Lecturer - Stellenbosch University (South Africa)



In November 2020, Elsevier’s clinical decision support (CDS) solution, Care Planning, was integrated at Imperial College Hospital NHS Trust. A total of 247 evidence-based, patient-centred care plans were made available to 4000 nurses, across 5 sites, directly via the electronic patient record (EPR).

Rapid integration was achieved through the collaborative efforts of Elsevier and the Imperial clinical informatics teams, supported by a strategic end-user education and go-live plan. The upload of all care plans into the EPR was achieved in just a two-day period.

Step forward: Dr. Theo Nell, Senior Lecturer - Stellenbosch University, South Africa

Step forward: Dr. Theo Nell, Senior Lecturer - Stellenbosch University, South Africa

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