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T2P WVU success story header image

Prepare your new graduate nurses to practice quickly


Help improve competence, confidence, and satisfaction through an immersive, virtual learning environment.

WVU Medicine elevates new nurse confidence, competencies and communication with Elsevier Transition to Practice

In an era marked by growing nurse recruitment and retention challenges, WVU Medicine sought to improve nurse confidence and engagement at the point where these professionals are most vulnerable: transition to practice. The hospital identified the need for a solution that would keep the health system’s residency program curriculum current, while instilling confidence and competence in universal nursing skills such as communication, leadership development and ethics.

T2P WVU Medicine's success story image

Learn more about WVU Medicine’s success story

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Elsevier’s Transition to Practice new nurse residency program:

  • Accelerates competence and confidence by developing professional skills

  • Improves resilience and satisfaction with engagement and communication tools

  • Provides meaningful insights to deliver timely feedback and tailored support

  • Identifies at-risk nurses before it’s too late to curb turnover

Provide the tailored guidance and support your new graduate nurses need to provide quality patient care in today’s challenging environment.