News updates from the JAAD family of journals
Congratulations to JAAD
JAAD Case Reports Welcomes Abby S. Van Voorhees, MD, as Editor
JAAD International Indexed in the Web of Science!
Announcing JAAD Reviews! A new journal from the JAAD Family of Journals
Shari R. Lipner MD, PhD is the Inaugural Editor-in-Chief of JAAD Reviews!
Congratulations to Dr. Grant-Kels on Clarence S. Livingood, MD Award and Lectureship
Case reports prompt CDC investigation of possible treatment-resistant dermatophytosis
JAAD Skin of Color Image Collection and Atlas
Digital Health in Dermatology
COVID-19 and the Skin

Congratulations to the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology!
For the fifth year in a row JAAD holds the #1 Impact Factor in the Dermatology category with a 2023 IF of 12.8!

JAAD Case Reports Welcomes Abby S. Van Voorhees, MD, as Editor
Abby S. Van Voorhees, MD, will assume the role of Editor of JAAD Case Reports (JDCR), beginning June 1, 2024. Dr. Van Voorhees is currently Professor and Chair at Eastern (Norfolk) Virginia Medical School. Her AAD involvement is extensive, including service on the JAAD Editorial Board, as Physician Editor of Dermatology World (2011-2018), and as a member of the AAD Board of Directors (2018-2022). Dr. Van Voorhees is a psoriasis expert and active in the National Psoriasis Foundation. She has authored many peer-reviewed publications. A well-respected educator, Dr. Van Voorhees is excited to guide Case Reports into the future. “I am particularly interested in working with case reports and case series because they are so truly valued by the practicing dermatologist, often providing guidance for the trickiest patients that we handle,” she said.
Abby S. Van Voorhees, MD
Departing JDCR Editor Brett Sloan, MD, of the University of Connecticut Health Center (Farmington), was appointed as the Founding Editor of JAAD Case Reports in 2014. Dr. Sloan has served for 10 years and provided leadership to grow and nurture JDCR during the journal’s formative years as the Academy’s first online-only open access journal. “Case Reports has been my ‘baby’ and working with the JAAD community is definitely the highlight of my career. While it is sad to hand over the reins, it is reassuring to hand it over to someone with Dr. Van Voorhees’ experience, reputation, and demeanor.”
JAAD International Indexed in the Web of Science!
The American Academy of Dermatology and Elsevier are delighted to announce that JAAD International (JAADi) 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く has been selected for indexing in the Emerging Sources Citation Index 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く (ESCI) by Clarivate's Web of Science. The Journal is expected to receive its first Impact Factor in 2025. Thanks to the journal’s editorial team, reviewers and authors who have contributed to the success of this popular open access journal. The JAAD Editors look forward to working with all to build on this success and take JAADi to the next level of excellence. Note that the journal’s anticipated 2023 CiteScore is 3.6.

Announcing JAAD Reviews!
JAAD Reviews 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く is one of three open access companion titles to the highly-respected Journal of The American Academy of Dermatology (JAAD). 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く
JAAD Reviews 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く seeks high quality, clinical reviews, systematic reviews, scoping reviews, and meta-analyses that support the mission of JAAD 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く. JAAD Reviews 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く will consider review articles that advance dermatological expertise by publishing evidence-based research to help dermatologists improve patient outcomes.

Shari R. Lipner MD, PhD is the Inaugural Editor-in-Chief of JAAD Reviews!
Shari R. Lipner MD, PhD is the new Editor-in-Chief of JAAD Reviews, a new open access journal from the JAAD Family of Journals. Dr. Lipner previously served as the VisualDx nail editor, where she developed and edited the nail disease content and helped to curate representative images for nail conditions including a range of skin types. She has also edited the dermatology content for Dynamed, which provides up-to-date evidenced based information to physicians of different specialties.
Dr. Lipner has served for many years on Dialogues in Dermatology, conducting interviews with dermatologists on various topics and editing content. Having worked on the AAD Public Education Committee for many years, and served as chair of the committee, she was responsible for editing print and web-based content.

Shari R. Lipner
Dr. Lipner has also been a member of the editorial boards for Cutis, Dermatology Practical and Conceptual and JAAD, participated in the JAAD editorial mentorship program mentored by Dr. Jane Grant-Kels, and then became a mentor for another dermatologist.
In the past two years, Dr. Lipner has had the privilege of serving as Dermatology Section Editor for Annals of Medicine, successfully recruiting high quality dermatology manuscripts that are also highly cited. An experienced editor for dermatology books and book series, namely Scher and Daniel's Nails: Diagnosis, Surgery, Therapy, 5th edition, Cosmetics: Controlled Efficacy Studies and Regulation, and Updates in Clinical Dermatology Book Series. She has also edited the issue of Dermatologic Clinics, entitled: “Nail Disorders: Diagnosis and Management.” A highly published author in the field of nail diseases, as well as broader topics in dermatology, Dr. Lipner has 400 PubMed indexed papers.
Highlighted content
Congratulations to Dr. Grant-Kels on Clarence S. Livingood, MD Award and Lectureship
JAAD Deputy Editor Jane Grant-Kels, MD, FAAD, professor of dermatology, pathology, and pediatrics, and director of the Cutaneous Oncology Center and Melanoma Program at the University of Connecticut, delivered the Clarence S. Livingood, MD Award and Lectureship during the Plenary Session at the 2023 AAD Annual Meeting in New Orleans on March 19.
Speaking on the topic “Ethical Dilemmas Hiding in Plain Site 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く”, Dr. Grant-Kels explored the importance of ethics and the nuanced boundaries of ethical behavior in the practice of dermatology.
To read more about the substance of this lecture, and other news from the 2023 AAD Annual Meeting, visit the DermWorld Meeting News Central website 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く.

Jane Grant-Kels
Case reports prompt CDC investigation of possible treatment-resistant dermatophytosis
Responding to JAAD Case Reports articles indicating a growing problem, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is investigating whether a pattern of treatment-resistant dermatophytosis is emerging.
The CDC asks dermatologists who see patients with tinea infections to complete its survey so it can assess the extent of this problem.
Gu, David et al reported what they believed to be the first U.S. case of treatment-resistant dermatophytosis in a 2020 JAAD Case Reports article. A response in 2022 suggested a second case had been identified. The literature indicates that treatment resistance has been seen in India and possibly elsewhere.

JAAD Case Reports
Check out the JAAD Skin of Color Image Collection and Atlas!
Recent studies have shown the disparities and subsequent effects in recognizing diseases in skin of color. They point out the lack of representation of images of skin of color in major textbooks and teaching sets and propose a proactive approach to photographing and publishing more images of diseases in patients with darker skin types.
View the entire Skin of Color collection of images and articles
JAAD International webinars
JAAD International presents: Digital Health in Dermatology
Join JAADi Editor Dr. Jonathan Kantor as he discusses this important topic with an engaging team of experts

COVID-19 and the Skin
Missed our webinars on COVID-19 and the Skin?