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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Advances in Stem Cell Biology

Aim & scope

The books in the series focus on different aspects of stem cell biology and provide an overview of the authors knowledge of stem cell subtypes in different organs and cover the possible origins and consequences of stem cells heterogeneity. The volumes in the series teach the reader about the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the behavior of different stem cells, which is very important for the use of stem cells in cell therapy.

Sample cover of Recent Advances in iPSC Disease Modeling


Researchers and scientists in stem cell therapy, cell biology, regenerative medicine, and organ transplantation. As well as graduate and undergraduate students in the above fields.

Series Editor

Image of Alexander Birbrair


Alexander Birbrair


Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil

Alexander Birbrair 더 읽어보기

Advances in Stem Cell Biology
