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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Computational Geophysics

Aim & scope

The aim of the series is to fill the gaps between applied computational mathematics and the earth sciences, specifically the field of geophysics. Volumes in the series provide examples and methods for effectively solving geophysical problems, starting from the statement of the problem and ending by providing tips for implementation of solutions. Topics in the series will reflect new growth in areas where computational potential is not yet fully realized; help to push the frontiers of computational geophysics forward; engage computer scientists to design software and hardware better suited for earth and environmental science problems; provide decision-support tools for geoscience policy-makers and the exploration industry; and  serve as a source to consolidate theory and techniques to help educate and train the next generation of computational, mathematical, and geophysical scientists. An essential feature of the Computational Geophysics series is an emphasis on the combination of quantitative data interpretation and computational methods.

Sample cover of Computational Geo-Electromagnetics


This series is for researchers throughout geophysics, including exploration geophysicists, seismologists, and volcanologists. The book series could also be useful for specialists in the industry sector applying geophysical data interpretation for hydrocarbon, water, geothermal and ore prospecting. It will also be useful in environmental and ecological studies, atmospheric science, climate science, archaeological prospection, hazard risk mitigation. The audience ranges from graduate students, to academics, to practicing geophysicists.

Series Editor

Image of Steven J. Fletcher


Steven J. Fletcher

Research Scientist III

Colorado State University, USA

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Series Volumes
