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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Elsevier Series in Advanced Ceramic Materials

Aims & scope

Ceramic objects are among the greatest and earliest achievements of mankind. Part of human history since man learned to control fire and manipulate clay. Today’s ceramics incorporate multifunctional design and innovation and are replacing plastics and metals in a broad range of different high-performance applications in the fields of medical, automotive, electronics, energy and the environment and mechanical engineering.

One of the key challenges that will influence the future development of these new innovative materials is to have a better understanding of the relationship between properties, performance and material behavior. The Elsevier Series in Advanced Ceramic Materials will focus specifically on key titles that provide new insights on how to control microstructure, processing, and the property relationships in these materials to enhance properties, performance and materials behaviour.

advanced ceramics cover

Particular emphasis will be placed on characterization, synthesis, modelling and simulation of complex phenomena that can control structure and composition both at interfaces and microstructure. New manufacturing techniques will be highlighted including via programmable design of prescribed architectures. Other titles that introduce energy-saving measures to improve resource efficiency and process emissions will also be given priority.

The series will be a valuable reference resource showcasing recent developments in ceramics research. The key audience will be materials scientists and engineers working in academia and industry on the future development of these materials as well as those in manufacturing. The series will increase their knowledge and stimulate further interest in designing and creating new ceramics for application now and in the future.

Key Features of the Series:

  • Systematic coverage: with the help of our advisory panel, our own research and the advice of specialists in the field, we aim to identify and commission regular reviews of all major research in advanced ceramic materials.

  • Scope: we select broad-ranging topics relevant to the academic community as well as practicing engineers and doctors.

  • Comprehensive coverage: our books aim to cover all the key aspects of a topic.

  • International authorship: we aim to attract the leading international experts in a field, typically writing chapters in their area of expertise, with a senior figure as overall editor of the title.

  • The series will increase knowledge and stimulate further interest in designing and creating new ceramics for application now and in the future


Materials scientists and engineers working in academia and industry on the future development of these materials as well as those in manufacturing.



Professor W.E. Lee

Emeritus Professor

Imperial College London and Bangor University, UK

Professor W.E. Lee 더 읽어보기

Series Editors


Professor Carlos G. Levi

University of California Santa Barbara, USA


Professor Derek C. Sinclair

University of Sheffield, UK


Professor Hua-Tay Lin

Guangdong University of Technology, China


Dr. Ing. Tobias Fey

Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

Elsevier Series in Advanced Ceramic Materials

advanced ceramics volume banner