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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Series Editor


René De Borst

Centenary Professor

University of Sheffield

Dr. De Borst is the Centenary Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Sheffield. He was previously Distinguished Professor at Delft University of Technology and Eindhoven University of Technology, and the Regius Professor of Civil Engineering and Mechanics at the University of Glasgow.

His work covers several topics in engineering mechanics and materials, such as plasticity and fracture of concrete, soils, composites and rubbers, and the development of numerical models for deformation and failure. He is the author of 2 books, has edited another 14 books and conference proceedings, and has written over 230 peer-reviewed papers and 30 book chapters. He is a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, a fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and the Royal Academy of Engineering in London. He also holds an honorary doctorate from INSA Lyon.