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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Series Editor

Image of Farshad Darvishi Harzevili


Farshad Darvishi Harzevili, Ph.D.

Full Professor

Alzahra University, Iran

Farshad Darvishi Harzevili, Ph.D. 이메일

Farshad Darvishi Harzevili is Full Professor at Alzahra University, Iran. He is mainly interested in the biotechnological and environmental applications of yeasts to the production of valuable products. He is also interested in metabolic engineering and synthetic biology of yeasts.

Professor Darvishi's research group has close collaboration with international research groups and is active in the following areas: 1) New and powerful methods for characterization and improvement of microbial strains. 2) Production of valuable microbial products from renewable sources and wastes. 3) Isolation and biodiversity study of yeasts. He was a Visiting Scientist at the Technical University of Denmark (2015/2017) and the University of Liege, Belgium (2009/2010). He has been awarded as a distinguished young researcher by The Academy of Sciences of Iran (2019) and a young scientist by Society for Applied Microbiology, UK (2015) and European Microbiological Societies (2011).

Prof. Darvishi has widely published in peer-reviewed international journals and conferences and is an expert author and editor of books published by famous international publishers. He has an extensive editorial service and is recognized as a Top Reviewer by Publons - Clarivate Analytics. He is an editorial board member and guest editor of Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Microorganisms, Biological Journal of Microorganism, Applied Biology, Iranian Journal of Biology, Journal of Molecular and Cellular Research. Prof. Darvishi is a member of board of directors of Iranian Biology Society (IBS), a member of Society for Applied Microbiology (SfAM) and European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB).