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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Handbook for Designing and Conducting Clinical and Translational Research

Aim & scope

The Handbooks for Designing and Conducting Clinical and Translational Research are a series of specialty-specific instructional guides to translational medical research which provide a practical, step-by-step roadmap for taking a biomedical device, potential therapeutic agent, or research question from idea through demonstrated clinical benefit. The series bridges the gap between current research and practice. Written by a team of expert medical, biomedical engineering, and clinical research experts in each specialty area, each volume provides a clear process for understanding, designing, executing, and analyzing clinical and translational research.

Sample cover of Translational Interventional Radiology

With a focus on biomedicine, each book covers the principles of evidence-based medicine and applies these principles to the design of translational investigations. The reader will come to fully understand important concepts such as case-control study, prospective cohort study, randomized trial, and reliability study.  Each volume provides valuable discussions of the critical appraisal of published studies in each specialty field, allowing the reader to learn how to evaluate the quality of such studies with respect to measuring outcomes and to make effective use of all types of evidence in patient care.


Basic scientists interested in translating their research into clinical practice.

Series Editor

Image of Adam E. M. Eltorai


Adam E. M. Eltorai, MD, PhD

Harvard Medical School, USA

Adam E. M. Eltorai, MD, PhD 더 읽어보기