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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Handbooks in Separation Science

Aim & scope

The goal of the series and volume editors is to develop a new vehicle for collating, interpreting, and disseminating the essential fundamental and practical information of separation science for future generations of separation scientists and to do this by creating the seminal work in the field. Each volume is designed to cover a specific topic and contains relatively succinct chapters with a sharp focus and clear presentation contributed by leading scientists in the field.

Handbook separation science series

The target audience for these volumes is professional scientists with responsibility for managing or participating in research projects in either academia or industry. Included in this group are graduate students and professionals in disciplines other than separation science seeking insight into a topic at a level associated with current capabilities. The current volume follows on from the success of earlier volumes with additional volumes in production or planned for the future.


The series is designed to enable researchers in both academia and industry to efficiently keep abreast of developments in separation techniques across chemistry and chemical engineering.

Series Editor