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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Series Editor

Image of Nicos Komninos


Nicos Komninos

Professor Emeritus

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Nicos Komninos 이메일

Nicos Komninos is professor emeritus at the School of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He is the founder and director of the university lab ‘URENIO Research’ and his research interests are in two interrelated fields (a) intelligent/smart cities, and (b) cyber-physical systems of innovation. He has coordinated more than a hundred research projects under the European research and territorial development programmes (H2020, FP, CIP, LDV, Interreg, SEE, MED). Alongside to research, he took part as an expert in the development of smart cities, technology parks, and innovation strategies in most EU countries; in UNIDO activities for innovation in developing countries; in the group of experts that drafted the OECD Innovation Strategy; in the evaluation of research in the EU, Nordic countries, Asia, and New Zealand; and in research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation and digital growth strategies across many regions of Europe. He has authored about 200 publications, including thirteen books, on intelligent cities, city planning, innovation systems, and innovation strategies. He is an associate editor and member of the editorial board in fifteen academic journals