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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Dr Subhendu Kumar Pani

Image of Dr. Subhendu Kumar Pani


Dr Subhendu Kumar Pani

Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Orissa Engineering College, BPUT, Odisha, India

Dr Subhendu Kumar Pani 이메일

Dr. Subhendu Kumar Pani received the Ph.D. degree from Utkal University, Odisha, India, in 2013. He is currently working as the Principal with Krupajal Computer Academy (KCA), Bhubaneswar. He has published 51 International Journal articles (25 Scopus index). His professional activities include roles as the Book Series Editor (CRC Press, Apple Academic Press, and Wiley-Scrivener), an associate editor, an editorial board member, and a reviewer of various international journals. He is an associate with number of conference societies. He has more than 150 international publications, five authored books, 15 edited and upcoming books, and 20 book chapters into his account. His research interests include data mining, big data analysis, Web data analytics, fuzzy decision making, and computational intelligence. He is a fellow in SSARS Canada and a Life Member in IE, ISTE, ISCA, OBA.OMS, SMIACSIT, SMUACEE, and CSI. He was a recipient of five researcher awards.