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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Atlas Award 2024

Promoting research and researchers that provide effective delivery of sustainable, resilient, and innovative solutions to climate action, peace and justice.

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Research for a better world

Science impacts everyone's world. With over 4,000 journals publishing articles from across science, technology and health, our mission is to share some of the stories that matter. Each month Atlas showcases research that could significantly impact people's lives around the world or has already done so. We hope that bringing wider attention to this research will go some way to ensuring its successful implementation.

Atlas Trophy

With so many worthy articles published the tough job of selecting a single article to be awarded "The Atlas" each month comes down to an advisory board. The winning research is presented alongside interviews, expert opinions, multimedia and much more on the Atlas website.

We aim to showcase some of the articles that can make a real difference and hope you'll find this to be a valuable resource.

2023 winning article

Optimizing point-of-care testing strategies for diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis C virus infection in Australia: a model-based cost-effectiveness analysisopens in new tab/window새 탭/창에서 열기 The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific

Permissions and republication

If you would like to refer to one of our stories in your blog post or news site, we welcome you to summarize it or quote a short passage, referring to Atlas and including a link back to our original post. We ask that you do not reprint the entire article online, with the exception of a translation, for which you can request permission.

If you would like to reprint the full story — as a translation or for a print edition, for example – please email us새 탭/창에서 열기 to request permission. Please include a link to the story and tell us where you intend to publish it. In some cases, additional permission will be required for copyrighted images. We are usually happy to grant permission, but we request that you ask.

When our content is republished offline, please notify us that it has been released and let us know how we can find it (for example, the book name or the name and date of the magazine).

About Elsevier

To learn more about Elsevier's mission and products and services, visit Elsevier.com.

The Atlas website is owned and operated by Elsevier BV, Radarweg 29, Amsterdam, 1043 NX, The Netherlands.

Meet the Atlas Award team

Chiara Ciuffa


Chiara Ciuffa

Publishing Administrative Coordinator, Physical Sciences, Atlas Award Project Manager

Lipsa Panda


Lipsa Panda

Communications Manager STM Journals

Floris de Hon


Floris de Hon

Senior Director Journal & Editor Services, Atlas Award Sponsor

Priyanka Kardam


Priyanka Kardam

Publisher, Health & Medical Sciences Journals

Virginia Prada-Lopez


Virginia Prada-Lopez

Associate Publisher, Health & Medical Sciences Journals

Krishna Prasad


Krishna Prasad

Website Manager Atlas Award

Simon Jones


Simon Jones

Senior Publisher, Social Science Journals