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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Prof Sir Anton Muscatelli

Prof Sir Anton Muscatelli, PhD


Anton Muscatelli, FRSE, AcSS

Principal and Vice-Chancellor

University of Glasgow

Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli has been Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Glasgow since October 2009. From 2007-2009, he was Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Heriot-Watt University.

An economist, his research interests are monetary economics, central bank independence, fiscal policy, international finance and macroeconomics. Prior to 2007, he held various roles at the University of Glasgow including Vice-Principal - Strategy, Budgeting and Advancement (2004-07) and Professor of Political Economy (1994-2007).

Sir Anton was Chair (2017-2020) of the prestigious Russell Group of UK research-intensive universities. He has held numerous UK and Scottish Government advisory roles including Chair of the First Minister of Scotland’s Standing Council on Europe, member of the Scottish Government’s Council of Economic Advisers, member of the Advisory Group on Economic Recovery and the National Strategy for Economic Transformation, as well as adviser to the House of Commons Treasury Select Committee. He had also advised the European Commission and the World Bank. He is a Director of the Universities Superannuation Scheme, one of the largest private pension funds in the UK, and in January 2023 was appointed Chair Elect of the Royal Economic Society Trustee Board.

Sir Anton was knighted in 2017 for services to economics and higher education and was awarded the honor of Knight Commander (Commendatore) by the Republic of Italy in 2008 for contributions to higher education and economic science. He holds an honorary degree from McGill University in Canada.