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엘스비어와 함께 출판


Michiel Kolman, PhD


Michiel Kolman, PhD

Senior VP, Research Networks, and Academic Ambassador


Dr Michiel Kolman is Senior VP, Research Networks, and Academic Ambassador at Elsevier. He is Past President of the International Publishers Association 새 탭/창에서 열기, where he now chairs Inclusive Publishing and Literacy. He is the executive sponsor of Elsevier Pride and was listed two years in a row in the Financial Times' Top100 ranking of most influential LGBT senior executives. Michiel is currently co-chair of the Workplace Pride board, supporting LGBTQI+ workplace inclusion.

Since joining Elsevier in 1995, Michiel has held various core publishing roles in Amsterdam and Tokyo. He launched one of the first online journals in the industry in 1996: New Astronomy. He was Managing Director in Frankfurt, Germany. For 10 years, he spearheaded academic relations for Elsevier, building up a global network of ambassadors engaged in strategic discussions with research leaders.

Prior to Elsevier, he worked for Wolters Kluwer in a division that is now part of Springer Nature. He holds a degree from Leiden University in the Netherlands and a PhD in astrophysics from Columbia University in New York, where he studied with a Fulbright scholarship.