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엘스비어와 함께 출판


Nicole Wagner, PhD, is Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural Sciences of Texas State University.


Nicole Wagner, PhD

Assistant Professor

Texas State University Department of Agricultural Sciences

As Assistant Professor in the Texas State University Department of Agricultural Sciences 새 탭/창에서 열기, Dr Nicole Wagner focuses on soil health and horticultural crop production. She is the founder and project director of Texas State’s Bobcat Farm 새 탭/창에서 열기, a student-run regenerative fruit and vegetable farm that also serves as a research site. She has won several teaching awards including the Texas State Presidential Excellence in Teaching Award, and has been a co-principal or principal investigator for grants and private donations totaling over $6 million. After completing her PhD at Montana State University-Bozeman, she worked at the USDA in Washington, DC, forecasting commodity production in South America, developing briefing materials for the Secretary of Agriculture, and organizing senior executive-level meetings locally and internationally. In 2008, she was a member of the US government’s delegation to the United Nations Presidential-level conference on world food security.