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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Exploring the heart in mixed reality with Complete HeartX

2023년 6월 27일

저자: Terri Mueller

Screenshot of HeartX video. Complete HeartX allows students to learn about and explore the heart by being placed in an immersive mixed-reality environment where they can experience a full ventricular fibrillation scenario.

Elsevier’s Complete HeartX allows medical students to learn about the heart in an immersive mixed reality environment

Elsevier, a global leader in evidence-based clinical practice content, research publishing and information analytics, today announced its new mixed reality medical education app, Complete HeartX, which has is being showcased as one of the featured apps for the Apple Vision Pro during the recent Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) 새 탭/창에서 열기.

Update — February 2, 2024: Complete HeartX is now available with the launch of Apple Vision Pro. For the latest information, please visit our website

Today’s medical students face limited access to hands-on clinical experiences and cadavers for their studies. Medical schools continue to face challenges in providing a clear way to connect the study of anatomy to clinical material and hands-on practice of critical clinical skills. Mixed reality can offer a new approach to supplement this training and shape the future of healthcare. 

Complete HeartX is the start of a series of spatial experiences helping medical schools to envision a way to better prepare students for clinical rotations and help develop practical skills. It allows students to learn about and explore the heart before being placed in an immersive mixed reality environment where they can experience a full ventricular fibrillation scenario from understanding the physiology and diagnosing EKG readings to shock delivery. 

The life-like case provided in Complete HeartX challenges students to complete tasks under pressure, mimicking real moments in the emergency department. It also helps students master complex physiological concepts, gain confidence managing serious arrhythmias, and make choices that can save lives — all within a low-risk mixed reality simulation.

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Complete HeartX video screenshot

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Dr Jan Herzhoff, President of Elsevier Health, said: “We are very excited about the new Apple Vision Pro. It is an incredible device for spatial experiences and will enable new ways to teach and learn medicine. Complete HeartX is just one of many spatial experiences we are planning to launch to transform with our partner institutions medical education globally and get more students practice ready.”

He added, “We look forward to working with academic institutions in co-creating a new way of learning, supporting faculty and ultimately delivering state of the art solutions that are meaningful, unique and of the highest pedagogical value to future health professionals.”

Jan Herzhoff, PhD

Jan Herzhoff, PhD

Institutions that are interested in partnering with us on this journey can sign up here 새 탭/창에서 열기.


Headshot of Terri Mueller


Terri Mueller

VP, 글로벌 커뮤니케이션


+1 908 323-9180

Terri Mueller 이메일