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엘스비어와 함께 출판

My EES Hub now available on the Elsevier Editorial System

2014년 3월 1일

저자: Ben Rowe

Whether you are an author, reviewer, editor, or all three, you now only need to log in once to access all the functions in EES

Wouldn't it be great to log into the Elsevier Editorial System (EES) and view all your pending actions across different journal accounts linked to your consolidated profile, and even switch between accounts without logging out of one journal and logging into another?

The good news is that in December 2013, Elsevier introduced a major enhancement to EES with My EES Hub, which features a single landing page. Here you take the actions required by your various Elsevier roles, whether that is as an author, a reviewer, and, in some cases, also as an editor. My EES Hub allows you to:

  • Switch between different journal accounts linked to your profile without logging in and out of each journal account individually.

  • View a list of pending actions for all your linked journal accounts, for example, as an Elsevier reviewer you will be able to see all your 'invitations to review' and then go to the relevant journal and folder by simply clicking a link.

  • Search for additional Elsevier journals in which you would like to create an account to add to your profile.

  • View a list of any journal accounts registered with the same email address as your consolidated profile that have not yet been added to it. You can then log into those journals and add the accounts to your profile.

How do I access My EES Hub?

My EES Hub is available to all EES users who have created a consolidated user profile새 탭/창에서 열기. We would advise you to create a consolidated user profile, if you haven't already done so, as it:

  • Makes your EES accounts more secure.

  • Allows you to access all your journal accounts with the same username and password.

  • Ensures that any updates you make to your personal details, such as a change in your institution, are automatically carried across to all the journal accounts linked to your profile.

To access My EES Hub, just log into any journal linked to your profile and click the My EES Hub link that appears at the top of the page (see below).

Elsevier Editorial System

Where can I find out more?

On our EES Support Hub, you can find help articles on My EES Hub새 탭/창에서 열기 and also a guide to the consolidated user profile새 탭/창에서 열기, including instructions for creating one.


Headshot of Ben Rowe


Ben Rowe

Journal Manager
